The Sunday Subject – November 26, 2023

Israel and Hamas agreed to a temporary ceasefire.

The deal, brokered by Qatar, includes the freeing of hostages who were captured by Hamas during its October 7th terrorist attack. Israel will release 150 Palestinian women and teenage prisoners from Israeli jails and allow more aid into Gaza. 

Javier Milei won Argentina’s presidential election run-off, taking 56% of the vote.

Milei, a self-described “anarcho-capitalist,” beat his Peronist opponent, Sergio Massa, in 20 of the country’s 23 provinces. He promised to cut red tape and slash public spending. Milei will be Argentina’s first libertarian president.

The Dutch Party for Freedom (PVV), led by far-right Geert Wilders, won the most seats in parliament.

The election results were a shock to the Netherlands, as for years most major parties have ruled out a coalition with Wilders. The second-biggest outfit, an alliance of the Labor and GreenLeft parties, got 25 seats, while the Liberals (VVD) of the incumbent prime minister, Mark Rutte, took just 24. The New Social Contract (NSC), a new center-right party, won 20 seats. Rutte, who has served as the prime minister of the Netherlands since 2010, announced his departure in July over environmental and immigration scandals.