Silo S2E9: The Safeguard
We open with a flashback that reveals that the teenagers-with-medieval-weapons who accosted Juliette last week have been watching her since the moment she entered Silo...
Silo S2E8: The Book of Quinn
We complained last week that the Juliette-Solo storyline in Silo 17 dragged a bit, compared to all the machinations going on in the original silo....
Silo S2E67: The Dive
Holland has made Lukas Kyle his shadow, and shows him (and us) the silo's secret inner sanctum (the equivalent to the room Solo is holed...
Silo S2E6: Barricades
Once again, tensions are rising in the silo. Despite Mayor Holland's machinations to restore order, Knox, Shirl, and Walker escaped after he framed them for...
Silo S2E5: Descent
In our last episode, Sims, resentful that Judge Meadows had replaced him as Mayor Holland's right hand, started a campaign to impeach the judge. But...
Silo S2E4: The Harmonium
To get back to the original silo (Silo 18, it turns out), Juliette needs to repair her hazmat suit. To repair the suit, she needs...
Silo S2E3: Solo
After spending a Juliette-free episode back in the original silo, we pick up episode 3 with episode 1's cliffhanger. Juliette, having explored the abandoned second...
Silo S2E2: Order
We started with a largely wordless episode with Juliette on her own in the abandoned second silo and no sign of the main cast, so...
Silo S2E1: The Engineer
A note before we start: it's impossible to discuss the second season of Silo without spoiling basically everything that happened in Season 1. So if...
Silo S1E10: Next
The first big shock in A Game of Thrones (or, if you prefer, the first season of HBO’s adaptation) was setting up Ned Stark to...