Silo S2E1: The Engineer

A note before we start: it's impossible to discuss the second season of Silo without spoiling basically everything that happened in Season 1. So if...

Silo S1E10: Next

The first big shock in A Game of Thrones (or, if you prefer, the first season of HBO’s adaptation) was setting up Ned Stark to...

Silo S1E9: The Getaway

Let’s start with last week’s big reveal. The real power behind the silo isn’t Judge Meadows, it isn’t Sims and his Big Brother squad, watching...

Silo S1E8: Hanna

Sims questions Gloria, the midwife who Juliette roused from chemically-induced slumber to question. He uses that slumber not as a threat of punishment, but as...

Silo S1E6: The Relic

“I know not everyone believes this, but I’ve found that some mysteries are best left unsolved.” Bernard Holland, I.T. director-turned-acting-mayor, uses these words to exert...

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