Barry S4E8: wow

“I just wanted to be safe.” “We all do.” And there it is. After four years, Barry sums itself up in that one quick exchange....

Barry S4E7: a nice meal

“This is not a good guy/bad guy story. It goes much deeper than that.” Gene’s description of Barry’s story is so on the nose for...

Barry S4E6: the wizard

Last week ended with a long-haired, bearded Gene Cousineau demanding to talk to the person who runs Warner Brothers. They’re making a movie about Barry,...

Barry S4E3: you’re charming

Are we as bad as our worst moment? That’s one of Barry’s central questions, except that question is constantly undermined because whatever these characters’ worst...

Barry S4E1: yikes

The editorial staff of The Onion are a famously secretive bunch. They do not publish their names, they do not accept submissions, and they rarely...

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