Bad Sisters S2E6: Who By Water
Last week (or last month if you’re reading these reviews; we took a break for the holidays and will catch up as quickly as we can), the sisters (minus Eva), grudgingly took Angelica to scatter Grace’s ashes. (Although not wanting to share an emotional moment with “that wagon,” they swap out Grace’s actual earthly remains with ashes from the fireplace.
Angelica lays the passive-aggression on thick, causing each sister in turn to lose her temper. Just when they can’t get any more fed up with Angelica, she accuses Eva of leading on John Paul (Grace’s first husband, who in fact raped her). That’s the final straw, but before the sisters can react, the boat’s boom comes loose, swings around, and hits Angelica in the face, knocking her in the water. The sisters frantically scan the horizon, but she’s nowhere to be seen.
So this week, the sisters are, understandably, in a panic. It was an accident, but they all hated Angelica, they’re already under investigation for covering up a previous murder, and Eva all but told the police they wanted Angelica dead. It doesn’t look good. Making things look worse is that they decide to not to tell anyone (apart from Eva), clean the blood off the boat, throw Angelica’s phone in the water, and pretend nothing ever happened.
TV dramas often rely on characters constantly making bad decisions and being outright dumb, but Sisters at least makes those bad decisions believable. They’re always in a blind panic, and the show is good at throwing a second crisis on top of the first to put the pressure on — Blanaid’s missing, or Houlihan’s sniffing around, or as is the case this week, Becka fears she’s having a miscarriage after jumping into the cold water to try and save Angelica. (The baby’s fine in the end.)
Speaking of sniffing around, not much gets past Detective Houlihan. After her surly partner Loftus steals Grace’s money from the turtle hutch last week, he brings it to his divorce attorney to start the fight for custody of his daughter, before reconsidering. He returns it to the evidence locker, but Houlihan catches him in the act. He claims the money was found in Grace’s car, but Houlihan already went over the wreck and knows he’s lying. Backed into a corner, Loftus threatens his career if she says anything.
So the young detective, who increasingly seems to be at the center of this season’s story, now has to investigate the deaths of John Paul, his father, Grace, Angelica, and her own partner’s malfeasance. And with Angelica out of the picture, it’s not clear who, if anyone, is going to provide any answers.
Stray thoughts:
• While the sisters can’t find Angelica’s body, we get a quick shot of her floating in the harbor. Tellingly, she’s face up, lifejacket on.
• Ian is his usual charming self, and ends up getting Eva into bed. The sisters are, predictably, less than thrilled. Bibi in particular doesn’t trust Ian’s motives, and spots the two of them together leaving the bank, where they’ve set up a joint account for Blanaid’s inheritance.
• A flustered Eva also lets slip to Joe that Becka’s having his baby. She still hadn’t told him.