Words and Thoughts — April 18, 2024
Hello again, alleged readers. I think you’ll be pleased to hear that I have eliminated another integer from contention for my favorite integer: 78. We’re one closer to figuring out which integer, in my opinion, is the best integer! I’ll of course keep all of you updated as the list narrows.
78 is good, but not the best.
Earlier this year, I spent several weeks asking my nephew to explain social media to me. I have come to the conclusion that social media’s purpose, as originally envisioned by technoprophet Mark Zuckerberg, is to dissolve the obscuring veil that so-called “reality” drapes upon our existence. Social media, as far as I understand it, is a chance for humans to finally be able to experience coexistence under a beacon of crystal clear truth. As social media users, we might finally know the true meaning of the idea of genuineness. When I log on to Facebook, Instagram, or MySpace, I am peering at, and being peered at, through a freshly Windexed mirror in which both sides can be seen through. Nothing is hidden. Everything is laid bare. What you see, is what you get; and what you give, is defined by what they see.
And last week, I saw a coyote.
Like any responsible member of the social media, I went straight to my town’s Facebook Group, and posted a picture of the coyote with the following explanation:
“Last Tuesday night, around 9:30pm, I saw a coyote behind the gas station on the corner of Main and Spruce Street.”
Here is a selection of responses from my fellow social citizens, altered only to maintain a semblance of anonymity, and basic level of clarity:
- When was this?
- That is a wolf.
- We don’t have wolves here.
- I seen a wolf once at Busch Gardens.
- Is this the gas station on Harding Street?
- Yes.
- I like this gas station better than the one by Rite Aid [in neighboring county]
- This is fake.
- No it’s not, I’ve been to that gas station.
- Biden is making it so we can’t afford gas anymore.
- Where is this?
- This city isn’t safe anymore.
- Here kitty kitty kitty.
- That’s not funny because coyotes would eat a cat, and a fox almost attacked my cat once.
- The fox could’ve been rabid.
- That’s why the planes do those rabies vaccination drops in the summer.
- They don’t drop rabies vaccines, look up chemtrails… bunch of sheep.
- When is this from?
- Tuesday night.
- Thank you, I was wondering because my car needs gas and I was going to stop for gas yesterday but I’m glad I didn’t!
- I wonder if the coyote is lost, I hope Animal Control can relocate it away from people.
- I hope they deport it.
- [Seven more comments followed regarding immigration and bail reform, three were subsequently deleted]
- Who cares?
- Where was this?
- Has anyone posted here about their missing dog yet? Because that might be it.
- That is a coyote.
- Thank you, I didn’t know. Has anyone posted here about their missing coyote dog yet?
- Delete if not allowed, but is it possible to humanely trap the coyote?
- Was this yesterday?
Personally, I’d like to believe that the coyote, similar to myself, was after the roller-dogs that were about to be half-price at the end of the night. You can find my review of the half priced roller-dogs on Facebook.