What’s Good – February 15-21, 2024
Our weekly guide to what’s going on around Buffalo and in the world of pop culture.
Thursday, 2/15
Placeholder: First-Year MFA Exhibition (UB Center for the Arts, 2nd floor, through 2/29, FREE)
See work from nine UB MFA students in the CFA Gallery, on display through the end of the month.
Funny Girl (Shea’s Buffalo, 650 Main St, Tue-Fri 7:30pm, Sat 2/8pm, Sun 1/6:30pm, $53-92, through 2/18)
A revival of the classic musical comedy, featuring “Don’t Rain On My Parade,” “I’m the Greatest Star,” and “People.”
Aries Spears (Helium, 30 Mississippi St, 8pm, Fri 7:30/10pm, Sat 4:30/10pm, Sun 7pm, $27, 18+)
MADtv alum Spears brings his wit and killer impressions to Helium.
Doug Yeomans & Sue Kincaid (Duende, 85 Silo City Rd, 6pm)
The duo performes country, bluegrass, blues, jazz, and rockabilly.
Papadosio & Tauk (Town Ballroom, 681 S. Main St, 7pm, $20-26, 12+)
Genkin Philharmonic (Mohawk Place, 47 E. Mohawk St)
Karaoke Night (Milkie’s, 522 Elmwood Ave, 9pm)
Friday, 2/16
The 39 Steps (Katharine Cornell Theater, UB Ellicott Complex, Fri/Sat 7:30pm, $22/$7 UB students)
A stage performance based on Alfred Hitchcock’s 1935 masterpiece of suspense.
Seth Payne (9th Ward, 341 Delaware Ave, 10:30pm, $21, 18+)
Chicago-based stand-up Payne comes back to his native Buffalo, and this second show was added because the early show sold out!
Go Ahead and Die (Rec Room, 79 Chippewa St, 5pm, $34, 16+)
with Bodybox, Half Heard Voice, Crux of Torment, Wolfenstein.
Sam Marabella (Duende, 85 Silo City Rd, 6pm)
Marabella performs roots country, jazz, and blues.
Sam Roberts Band (Town Ballroom, 681 S. Main St, 7pm, SOLD OUT)
No Quarter (PAUSA Art House, 19 Wadsworth St, 7pm, SOLD OUT)
A quartet of Buffalo musicians perform jazz arrangements of Led Zeppelin songs.
Dog Faced Boys (Iron Works, 49 Illinois St, 7pm, $15 adv/$20)
Local Phish tribute band.
Live Band Karaoke (Rec Room, 79 W Chippewa St, 10pm, $8)
Sing your favorite Top 40 songs in front of a live band.
New Movies This Week
Land of Bad (in wide release)
Liam and Luke Hemsworth help Russell Crowe extract a team of soldiers trapped in the Phillipine jungle, in a movie that’s somehow in theaters and not straight to Redbox.
Saturday 2/17
Letterkenny Presents: A Night of Stand-Up (Buff State Performing Arts Center, 1300 Elmwood Ave, 8pm, $46.50)
Mark Forward, Olivia Stadler, and Allie Pearse — all writers from the Canadian cult sitcom — perform stand-up.
Jimkata (Iron Works, 49 Illinois St, 8pm, $15 adv/$20)
This dancey synth-rock outfit is back after a four-year hiatus. With Eberwine.
Leanne Darling (Duende, 85 Silo City Rd, 1-2pm)
Violinist/sampler (and UB professor) Darling performs as part of Silo City’s Mimosas & Minuets brunch series.
Jazz DeNero & Isaac Pickell (Duende, 85 Silo City Rd, 4-7pm)
Poet and visual artist de Niro is the author of You Should Have Seen the Water, and Pickell is a poet and author of everything saved will be last. They read as part of the Greenspace Reading Series. Includes a zine swap and sale afterwards.
The Jay/Sharptet (PAUSA Art House, 19 Wadsworth St, 7pm, $14)
The local quintent performs the music of Chet Baker.
Canetis (Rec Room, 79 Chippewa St, 7pm, $34, 16+)
with Elemantra, akloh.
Unplugged: A Tribute to MTV (Town Ballroom, 681 S. Main St, 7pm, $15-25, 12+)
Local artists take a break from re-creating sets from MTV Unplugged (MTV used to be a music channel! Ask your grandparents!) to perform The Goo Goo Dolls’ set on VH1 Storytellers.
Celtic Sessions (Nietzsche’s, 248 Allen St, 4:40pm, FREE)
Sunday 2/18
Queen City Roller Derby (Riverworks, 359 Ganson St, 7pm, $18 (kids under 12 $6, front row $22.50)
The Lake Effect Furies — an All-Star Team of QCRD’s best — hosts an out-of-town challenger!
Drag Brunch (Helium, 30 Mississippi St, 10:30/11/11:30am, $50, 18+)
Three seatings for cocktails and an all-you-can-eat brunch buffet, and then a noon show (no matter which brunch time you sign up for)
Wazmopolitans (Duende, 85 Silo City Rd, 4-6pm)
The trio of Dave Wasik, Bob White, and Greg Millar perform at Duende’s Sunday Jazz Series.
Veeze (Town Ballroom, 681 S. Main St, 7pm, $30, 18+)
with Talibando
Ovtlier (Mohawk Place, 47 E. Mohawk St)
with September Mourning, Dramascream, Loveboxx.
Last Week Tonight (HBO 11pm)
Jon Stewart returned to The Daily Show amid much hoopla, but we’re more excited about the other John, who’s every bit as much of a quick-witted exasperated everyman, without falling into the BOTH SIDES trap his mentor is prone to.
Monday 2/19
Emo Night (Mohawk Place, 47 E. Mohawk St)
Tuesday 2/20
Diving the Great Barrier Reef (Kleinhans Music Hall, 3 Symphony Circle, 7pm, $17-37)
Explorer and marine biologist Erika Woolsey gives a presentation as part of the National Geographic Live series.
Abandoned Trains (Mohawk Place, 47 E. Mohawk St)
with Virus X, Leaduke, The Living Braindead.
The Steam Donkeys (Nietzsche’s, 248 Allen St, 6-8:30pm)
Rustbelt Comedy Showcase (Nietzsche’s, 248 Allen St, 9pm, FREE)
Open Mic Night (Milkie’s, 522 Elmwood Ave, 6-9pm)
Dragula Viewing Party & Drag Show (Milkie’s, 522 Elmwood Ave, 9pm; $10)
Wednesday 2/21
Frank White Experience (Iron Works, 49 Illinois St, 7pm, $12 adv/$20)
Notorious B.I.G. tribute act, endorsed by Biggie’s estate.
Open Mic Night (Helium, 30 Mississippi St, 7pm, FREE w/two-item minimum, 18+)
Think you’ve got a tight five in you? Here’s your chance to perform in front of a live audience.
Comedy Open Mic (Milkie’s, 522 Elmwood Ave, 9pm)