This Week in Buffalo Sports – August 21, 2023

UB soccer lost their home opener, but got a “statement-making” win over Ohio State on Sunday. Volleyball starts its regular season with the UAB Invite, the Bills continue the preseason in Chicago, and the Bisons are on the road.

Football: 0-0
Women’s soccer: 1-1
Women’s volleyball: 0-0
Cross Country: 0-0
Men’s Tennis: 0-0
Women’s Tennis: 0-0
Bisons: 58-60
Bills: 0-0

Here’s who’s competing this week:

Tuesday 8/22—Wednesday 8/23:
Bisons @ Syracuse

Thursday 8/24:
Soccer @ Colgate
Bisons @ Syracuse

Friday 8/18:
Vollyball @ UAB Invite (Birmingham, AL), vs. Austin Peay, UAB
Bisons @ Syracuse

Saturday 8/19:
Volleyball @ UAB Invite (Birmingham, AL), vs. Florida A&M
Bills @ Bears (preseason)
Bisons @ Syracuse

Sunday 8/20:
Bisons vs. Rochester
