This Week in Buffalo Sports 9/5/22

UB’s women are off to a roaring start, as Soccer and Vollyball keep winning starts, and football season is underway as the Bulls hope to come back from an opening-day loss, while the Bills open the NFL season against the defending champs.

The Bisons have their second-last home stand of the year against the wonderfully-named Gwinnet Stripers, so you’ve got a few chances left for a day at the ballpark.

Football: 0-1
Soccer: 4-1
Volleyball: 4-2
Bisons: 66-62

Here’s who’s competing this week:

Tuesday 9/6 through Sunday 9/11: Bisons vs Gwinnett Stripers

Thursday 9/8: Volleyball @ Canisius, Bills @ Rams

Friday 9/9: Volleyball doubleheader, vs. Youngstown State & Bucknell

Saturday 9/10: Football vs. Holy Cross

Sunday 9/11: Soccer vs. Colgate
