Nerd Sh*t

You like anime, video games, Sci-Fi, or anything like that… Well so do we! Join Isaiah Amir-Townes and Ben Tang every other week on Nerd Sh*t. We’re just two freshmen who like talking about this type of thing. Anything is fair game!
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Buffalo History Museum Podcast: Wedding of the Waters
October 26, 1825 marked the ceremonial opening of the Erie Canal, a waterway that would shape the future of the...
Buffalo History Museum Podcast: Suicide of a Goddess
On July 1, 1902, the Pan-American Exposition's Goddes of Light statue was torn to the ground. The statue, which adorned...
Buffalo History Museum Podcast: Two Souls Lost
On April 14, 1912, the Titanic sunk, and more than half of her passengers and crew died in the Atlantic....
Why is This Not a Movie?: A Man Called Doll w/Jason Woodbury
Jonathan Ames' detective novel A Man Named Doll, and its sequel The Wheel of Doll combine the playfulness of Bored...
The Saturn Club Liquor Raid
On August 23, 1923, a team of federal prohibition agents raided Buffalo's elite Saturn Club in search of illegal alcohol....
Bills or Bust: Bills vs Eagles w/Matt Fastow
Friend of the show Matt Fastow returns to celebrate the Bills' remarkable turnaround from the brink of playoff elimination to...